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Tips for Saving Gas when Driving

Tips for Saving Gas when Driving

Saving gas is possible if you put into practice some simple tips when driving and in your habits.

These simple tips will help you reduce gas consumption by up to 20%, which means a considerable saving for your pocket, so don't think about it, pay attention to the advice in this article and put them into practice as soon as possible.

Tips for Saving Gas when Driving

How to Save Gasoline?

Drive at the Speed Limit. Whenever possible keep a speed within 80 km / h, according to the specialized site auto.howstuffworks, at this speed gasoline achieves its best performance.

Avoid Driving Too Close to otherCars. Being very close behind other vehicles will force you to constantly brake and accelerate to get back on track, and this process consumes more gas.

Accelerate Slowly. When there is no choice but to brake due to an obstruction or a stop, returning to our path, accelerating slowly allows the engine to work more efficiently and use less gas. In addition, with this practice you will take care of the optimal functioning of your car.

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Maintain a Constant Speed. Maintaining a constant speed improves the performance of your car, since you avoid compensating for the loss of speed with a new acceleration.

Keep your Lane. Whether you like it or not, when you change lanes you slow down and then you must resume your speed by stepping on the accelerator, this process consumes more gasoline so try to avoid it.

Driving with Less than Half the Tank. This advice is subject to opinions. It is said that bringing a full tank creates extra weight in the car which causes it to use more gas.

Avoid Idling. Most new cars don't need to warm up to get going, just turn it on and wait a couple of seconds for a safe and optimal ride.

Turn Off the Engine. When you arrive at a place and wait inside the car for more than 10 minutes, it is better to turn off the car. If you want to listen to the radio it is not necessary to keep the engine running and as for the air conditioning, it is better to roll down the windows.

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Travel with the Windows Closed. One of the best ways to save gas is to avoid opening the windows when traveling on the highway. Avoid taking the windows open, as this causes greater resistance to the advance of your car by spending more gasoline.

Parking in the Shade. It is a very simple advice, the colder the car is, the less gasoline will evaporate and it will perform more.

Turn off your Car in Parts. Before turning off your car's engine, take the time to turn off the air conditioning or heater and the radio first. In this way you will consume less gasoline since you will prevent these systems from turning on the next time you start your car.

Plan your Outings. Having a plan to reduce the number of times you use the car can mean considerable savings in gas costs. Pay attention to the places that you can go on a single occasion and the places that you have left on the way.

Lighten the Load on the Car. Avoid bringing too many heavy objects inside the car that you do not use, as with gasoline, avoiding excess weight will help you use less gasoline.

Check the Air Filter. The air filter prevents debris from entering the engine and works optimally, cleaning it means saving fuel and money for you.

Check the Tire Pressure. It is normal for the car's tires to lose air, for that you must check it constantly. Properly inflated tires mean your car doesn't have to work too hard to move forward and uses less gas.

Use Attachments. Gasoline attachments allow fuel to flow smoothly into the engine and increase its efficiency.

Use a GPS System. If you are one of those people who get lost very often, it would be a good idea to invest in a GPS location system, to help you easily reach your destination.

As you can see, they are simple practices that, if included in your daily activity, can mean considerable savings for your pocket.

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